The second quarter of 2021 is done and we’re half way through the year. As always seems to be the case, the year is flying by. And while the list of things I need to do to grow my business seems never ending, I’m continuing to break those lists down each week and cross things off.
Which means I’m making progress, even if it feels small at times. Since small steps add up, let’s see where things are after these past 3 months with a little second quarter goal review!
“Put one foot in front of the other and you’ll be amazed at where you end up.”
- Henry Winkler
I heard Henry Winkler deliver that line over and over during a talk back in 2006 and have thought of it daily since. It motivates me to start; to set a goal; to take a first step; to keep pushing past my comfort zone. And I’m WAAAAAY out of my comfort zone right now.
Second Quarter 2021 Review
With Q2 done, I’m halfway through my first year running Mitten Girl LLC. For those wondering, here’s how the last 3 months have shaped up.
- By the numbers: Published 18 new blog posts, updated photography and content on 9 recipes, and published 6 new “how to” cocktail videos. Add in social media and these are the day-to-day pieces that add up to a lot of consistency in creating content, which is super important for the success of my site.
- Optimized the website for speed. I’ve added additional software, upgraded to new servers (again!), and am doing everything possible to make as fast as possible for you, my visitors.
- Wrapped up a 90 day food blogging business course having gained so much knowledge about building and running a successful digital business. I also made some wonderful new food blogging friends and built a support system that I am so grateful for.
- Took a 6 week content optimization course. This class taught me how to make older content and recipes better for my visitors (that’s you!), focusing on what I need to add to old recipes. I’ll be doing this work throughout the second half of 2021 as time permits.
- Bought new camera equipment! This one is big - both in expense and impact. It’s my first major camera upgrade of any kind in 8 years. I bought a Canon system and lenses that are used and highly recommended by food photographers. I’m so excited to continue working on my photography and growing my knowledge of lighting, composition, and food styling.
- Secured my first major recipe development project. More on this in the Q3 look back, but I’m SO EXCITED to do this work.
- Nutrition facts have been added to 53 existing recipes and all new recipes moving forward will have nutrition information included in the recipe card. By the end of 2021, all recipes on the site will have nutrition information in place.
- Metric conversion tools for all recipes. This is especially important for my non-U.S. readers.
- An SEO Audit of my site is underway. Search engine optimization (SEO) is big for all bloggers, no matter the niche. It’s the best way to make sure Google and other search engines find your content and serve it up to their users when delivering search results. This audit will give me tangible steps I can take to make sure my site is the most Google-friendly it can be.
- A Kickstarter Campaign. Oof. This one is definitely a B.A.G. (big audacious goal). I’ve decided to take my Homemade Happy Hour book and give it a massive upgrade, including professional design, all new photography, twice the content, and local printing. Which is an expensive undertaking. So I’m building a Kickstarter campaign that I can’t wait to share with you. I want everyone to build cocktails - or mocktails - at home with confidence and this book will make that possible.
What a difference a year makes.
One year ago I was newly furloughed and trying to shoot cocktail pictures in our guest bedroom. It was a less than ideal set up and soon my husband suggested we get rid of the guest bed (who’s spending the night during a pandemic?!), and turn the guest room into my photography studio.
I took the first photo during June 2020 while desperately trying to parent and work during a pandemic. The second image was taken a year later. Same room, but with totally different contents and purpose. Having a dedicated creative space in the house that I can transform into whatever I need for a photo shoot is a luxury I don’t take for granted.
What’s up next?
The third quarter of 2021 is dedicated to my Kickstarter campaign and all of the work that will be going into the 2.0 (and final!) version of my Homemade Happy Hour cocktail book. I’ll also be hard at work on recipe development, and finding new clients to partner with.
Doing work everyday that moves my goals forward can feel exhausting, and some days even a little frustrating. But look-back posts like this help me put things into perspective and remind me that those small steps really do add up.
I’m so grateful to you for the kind words, recipe reviews, and social media shares. I couldn’t accomplish a single goal without your support. Here’s to a great Q3 and a successful Kickstarter campaign!
xo - Katy
More About My Blogging Journey
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