Lavender simple syrup is an easy recipe to make and there are lots of delicious ways to use it! Try it in a lavender latte, a lavender martini, to sweeten iced tea, or for a refreshing lavender lemonade.
Heat the water to boiling. Add in sugar and stir until the sugar is dissolved.
Stir in dried lavender. Let mixture steep until syrup has reached room temperature.
Strain the syrup through a fine-mesh strainer placed over a bowl. Discard the lavender.
Store your lavender syrup in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
Makes 1 ½ cups (12 oz) of syrup.
Use your Lavender Syrup in:
Coffee - Mix 1 oz of lavender syrup into your morning coffee.
Lavender Lemonade - Combine 2 oz lavender syrup with 3 oz lemon juice in a large glass with ice. Top with 5 oz club soda or sparkling water.
Lavender Soda - Combine 2 oz lavender syrup with 5 oz club soda or sparkling water. Adjust the amount of lavender syrup to taste.
Iced Tea - Mix 1 oz of lavender syrup into iced tea for a sweet and refreshing cold lavender tea.